(continued from Advanced Settings)


Introduction to Messaging

The Tourplan messaging system enables message templates to be created and stored. These templates can then be used to create messages and documents that can be sent to Agents and Suppliers.

A range of user documentation and printed output are generically called messages although not all of the available message types are messages in the strict definition of the word—i.e., documentation which is communicated to agents or suppliers. The 14 available types of document which are created as message templates are:

  1. Booking Agent Message
  2. Booking Supplier Message
  3. PCM Agent Message
  4. PCM Supplier Message
  5. General Agent Message
  6. General Supplier Message
  7. Itinerary (Output from PCMs and Bookings)
  8. Vouchers
  9. Invoices (and Credit Notes)
  10. Remittance Advices/Cheques
  11. Cheques Only (and Cash Receipts)
  12. Journal Report
  13. Agent Statements
  14. EFT Payment Layout Files

Message templates can be created to suit a wide variety of possible uses. Some examples are:

Once the messages templates are defined, they can be used as frequently as is necessary. There is no limit to the number of message templates that can be defined, although for ease of use, the less message formats, and the more generic they are, the easier the messaging system is to use. Similarly, there is no restriction on the number of message templates of the same type that can be created. For example, there can be an invoice template that when output displays pricing per service and another invoice template that only displays the total price.

Messages are able to be output from:

The messaging system works on the basis of substituting details from Bookings or PCMs by placing substitution codes in the message template. These codes are enclosed in the greater than < and less than > (Chevron) brackets (normally Shift/Comma, and Shift/ Period).

Some faxing systems demand that the codes the fax system uses be enclosed in <> brackets. For this reason, alternatives are available in Tourplan. See INI Maint, System SUBDELIMITER.

A sample line could be in a PCM Message Format as follows:

"We take pleasure in providing details and prices as requested for <pn> based on a travel date of <td>."

If this message line was output for a Quote/PCM called (e.g.) Old Codgers Reunion with a base date of 22 December 2010, then the above line would output as:

"We take pleasure in providing details and prices as requested for Old Codgers Reunion based on a travel date of 22 Dec 10."

The <pn> and <td> in the message format tells Tourplan to substitute the Name (<pn>) and Travel Date (<td>) of the PCM when the message is being output.

When messages are output, they are able to be edited, and a choice of output methods is offered:

* Fax and Email output options require faxing and Email software to be present for the message to be automatically sent. Most SMTP Email client applications (Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, Lotus Notes etc.) will work. Faxing requires more sophisticated software than normal off the shelf fax products. Advice should be sought from the local Tourplan office.


Depending on the way message templates have been setup, messages output from the template can to be saved for later review or resending.

The Messaging System is a powerful Tourplan feature and offers the following major benefits:

  1. Repetitive messages do not have be manually created
  2. The incidence of errors is reduced, since detail in messages sent to both Agents and Suppliers are taken directly from the Booking/PCM
  3. Message Output can be edited and personalised

This section will cover the setup of the messaging system and the setup of message formats. Message output is covered in the Fastbook, Training Guide, Groupbook Training Guide and in the Accounting Training Guides where messages are able to be output from Debtors/Creditors and Accounting Functions.

One fundamental rule in defining message templates is that the required output must be known. It is pointless to attempt to create a message template without knowing what the end result should be.


A list of available substitution codes can be found under the heading iCom Service Buttons. The list includes allowable code parameters and any use restrictions.


(continued in Message INI Settings)